crop /krɑːp/ (noun) a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food Example: Sugar is an important crop on the island.
well /wel/ (adverb) in a good, right or acceptable way Example: There is a well to the left of the house.
Wheat /wiːt/ (noun) a plant grown for its grain that is used to produce the flour for bread, cakes, pasta , etc.; the grain of this plant Example: The land at Scampston is mainly sandy, so only wheats are grown.
agriculture /ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər/ (noun) the science or practice of farming Example: We need to develop our agriculture.
barn /bɑːrn/ (noun) a large farm building for storing grain or keeping animals in Example: The children used to play in that barn.
farmhouse /ˈfɑːrmhaʊs/ (noun) the main house on a farm, usually where the farmer lives Example: My parents live in their farmhouse.
harvest /ˈhɑːrvɪst/ (noun) the time of year when the crops are gathered in on a farm, etc.; the act of cutting and gathering crops Example: We had a good harvest this year.
hay /heɪ/ (noun) grass that has been cut and dried and is used as food for animals Example: Thousands of acres of corn and hay are planted each year for cattle to eat.
irrigation /ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ (noun) the practice of supplying water to an area of land through pipes or channels so that crops will grow Example: We need to have new irrigation system.
livestock /ˈlaɪvstɑːk/ (noun) the animals kept on a farm, for example cows or sheep Example: They have some livestock in their farm.
meadow /ˈmedəʊ/ (noun) a field covered in grass, used especially for hay Example: The kids are playing on the meadow.