

bear /ber/
(verb) to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant
Example: Moya doesn't like crowds so she cannot bear to shop during the holiday rush

chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/
(noun) a large bird that is often kept for its eggs or meat
Example: They keep chickens in the back yard.

sheep /ʃiːp/
(noun) an animal with a thick coat, kept on farms for its meat (called mutton or lamb ) or its wool
Example: a flock of sheep

pig /pɪɡ/
(noun) an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short curly tail. Pigs are kept on farms for their meat (called pork ) or live in the wild.
Example: a pig farmer

cow /kaʊ/
(noun) a large animal kept on farms to produce milk or beef
Example: They raise many cows.

dog /dɔːɡ/
(noun) an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work, for example hunting or guarding buildings. There are many types of dog , some of which are wild.
Example: I could hear a dog barking

cat /kæt/
(noun) a small animal with soft fur that people often keep as a pet. Cats catch and kill birds and mice.
Example: I love cats.

horse /hɔːrs/
(noun) a large animal with four legs, a mane (= long thick hair on its neck) and a tail. Horses are used for riding on, pulling carriages , etc.
Example: He mounted his horse and rode off.

mouse /maʊs/
(noun) a small animal that is covered in fur and has a long thin tail. Mice live in fields, in people’s houses or where food is stored.
Example: My computer's mouse is broken.

bird /bɜːrd/
(noun) a creature that is covered with feathers and has two wings and two legs. Most birds can fly.
Example: More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection

fish /fɪʃ/
(noun) a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills , and uses fins and a tail for swimming
Example: There are many fish in this pond.

Chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː/
(noun) a small intelligent African ape (= an animal like a large monkey without a tail)
Example: The chimpanzee is covered in coarse black hair

Dolphin /ˈdɑːlfɪn/
(noun) a sea animal (a mammal ) that looks like a large fish with a pointed mouth. Dolphins are very intelligent and often friendly towards humans. There are several types of dolphin .
Example: Dolphins are sometimes hunted in places such as Japan

Donkey /ˈdɑːŋki/
(noun) an animal of the horse family, with short legs and long ears. People ride donkeys or use them to carry heavy loads.
Example: The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years.

Eel /iːl/
(noun) a long thin sea or freshwater fish that looks like a snake. There are several types of eel , some of which are used for food.
Example: Eels begin life as flat and transparent larvae.

Elephant /ˈelɪfənt/
(noun) a very large animal with thick grey skin, large ears, two curved outer teeth called tusks and a long nose called a trunk . There are two types of elephant , the African and the Asian.
Example: Elephants are the largest existing land animals.

Fox /fɑːks/
(noun) a wild animal of the dog family, with red-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick heavy tail
Example: Foxes live on every continent except Antarctica.

Giraffe /dʒəˈræf/
(noun) a tall African animal with a very long neck, long legs, and dark marks on its coat
Example: The giraffe (Giraffa) is an African artiodactyl mammal,

Goat /ɡəʊt/
(noun) an animal with horns and a coat of hair, that lives wild in mountain areas or is kept on farms for its milk or meat
Example: Milk from goats is often turned into goat cheese.

Hippopotamus /ˌhɪpəˈpɑːtəməs/
(noun) a large heavy African animal with thick dark skin and short legs that lives in rivers and lakes
Example: Hippopotamus is the type genus of the family Hippopotamidae.

Insect /ˈɪnsekt/
(noun) any small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts. Insects usually also have wings. Ants , bees and flies are all insects .
Example: Insects are the most diverse group of animals

Jaguar /ˈdʒæɡwɑːr/
(noun) a large animal of the cat family, that has yellow-brown fur with black rings and spots. Jaguars live in parts of Central and South America.
Example: The jaguar is a large felid species and the only living member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas.

Lion /ˈlaɪən/
(noun) a large, powerful animal of the cat family that hunts in groups and lives in parts of Africa and southern Asia. Lions have yellow-brown fur and the male has a mane (= long, thick hair round its neck).
Example: Lion populations are untenable outside designated protected areas

Monkey /ˈmʌŋki/
(noun) an animal with a long tail, that climbs trees and lives in hot countries. There are several types of monkey and they are related to apes and humans.
Example: The many species of monkey have varied relationships with humans.

Ox /ɑːks/
(noun) a bull (= a male cow) that has been castrated (= had part of its sex organs removed), used, especially in the past, for pulling farm equipment, etc.
Example: Zebu oxen in Mumbai, India

Penguin /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/
(noun) a black and white bird that lives in the Antarctic. Penguins cannot fly but use their wings for swimming. There are several types of penguin , some of them very large but some of them quite small.
Example: Almost all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere.

Porcupine /ˈpɔːrkjupaɪn/
(noun) an animal covered with long, stiff parts like needles (called quills ), which it can raise to protect itself when it is attacked
Example: Porcupines are large rodents with coats of sharp spines, or quills, that protect them against predation

Rabbit /ˈræbɪt/
(noun) a small animal with soft fur, long ears and a short tail. Rabbits live in holes in the ground or are kept as pets or for food.
Example: Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha

Raccoon /ræˈkuːn/
(noun) a small North American animal with grey-brown fur, black marks on its face and a thick tail
Example: The original habitats of the raccoon are deciduous and mixed forests

Rhinoceros /raɪˈnɑːsərəs/
(noun) a large heavy animal with very thick skin and either one or two horns on its nose, that lives in Africa and Asia
Example: Members of the rhinoceros family are some of the largest remaining megafaunas

Shark /ʃɑːrk/
(noun) a large sea fish with very sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back. There are several types of shark , some of which can attack people swimming.
Example: Sharks are a group of elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton

Squirrel /ˈskwɜːrəl/
(noun) a small animal with a long, thick tail and red, grey or black fur. Squirrels eat nuts and live in trees.
Example: Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents.

Swordfish /ˈsɔːrdfɪʃ/
(noun) a large sea fish with a very long, thin, pointed upper jaw
Example: Swordfish are elongated, round-bodied, and lose all teeth and scales by adulthood.

Tiger /ˈtaɪɡər/
(noun) a large wild animal of the cat family that has orange fur with black stripes (= narrow lines) and lives in parts of Asia
Example: The tiger is the largest living cat species and a member of the genus Panthera.

Turtle /ˈtɜːrtl/
(noun) a large reptile with a hard round shell that lives in the sea
Example: Turtles have appeared in myths and folktales around the world.

Walrus /ˈwɔːlrəs/
(noun) an animal like a large seal (= a sea animal with thick fur, that eats fish and lives around coasts), that has two long outer teeth called tusks and lives in Arctic regions
Example: Adult walrus are characterised by prominent tusks and whiskers, and their considerable bulk:

Whale /weɪl/
(noun) a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a very large fish. There are several types of whale , some of which are hunted.
Example: Whales are a widely distributed and diverse group of fully aquatic placental marine mammals.