Topic 15: Prepositions of place


at /ət/
(preposition) used to say where something/somebody is or where something happens
Example: We plan to stay at the Sheraton Hotel.

next to
next to /nekst tə/
(preposition) in or into a position right by somebody/something
Example: The girl is standing next to the table.

opposite /ˈɑːpəzɪt/
(adjective) on the other side of a particular area from somebody/something and usually facing them
Example: Two women are sitting opposite each other.

outside /ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/
(adverb) not in a room, building or container but on or to the outside of it
Example: He was waiting outside for two hours.

below /bɪˈləʊ/
(adverb) at or to a lower level, position or place
Example: I could still see the airport buildings far below.

inside /ˌɪnˈsaɪd/
(preposition) on or to the inner part of something/somebody; within something/somebody
Example: She opened the gift box and saw a nice watch inside.

up /ʌp/
(adverb) towards or in a higher position
Example: She climbed up the flight of steps.

between /bɪˈtwiːn/
(preposition) in or into the space separating two or more points, objects, people, etc.
Example: The lion is sitting between the two lamps.

above /əˈbʌv/
(preposition) at or to a higher place or position than something/somebody
Example: Seen from above the cars looked tiny

across /əˈkrɔːs/
(preposition) from one side to the other side of something
Example: The rabbit is across the street.

over /ˈəʊvər/
(preposition) resting on the surface of somebody/something and partly or completely covering them/it
Example: She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming

around /əˈraʊnd/
(preposition) surrounding somebody/something; on each side of something
Example: The house is built around a central courtyard.

down /daʊn/
(adverb) to or at a lower place or position
Example: The stone rolled down the hill.

under /ˈʌndər/
(preposition) in, to or through a position that is below something
Example: My dog pulled up the covers and crawled under.

among /əˈmʌŋ/
(preposition) surrounded by somebody/something; in the middle of somebody/something
Example: Which is your book among these books?

in /ɪn/
(preposition) at a point within an area or a space
Example: The cat is sleeping in the box.

on /ɑːn/
(preposition) in or into a position covering, touching or forming part of a surface
Example: The elephant is standing on the ball.

behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/
(preposition) at or towards the back of somebody/something, and often hidden by it or them
Example: There's a cat behind the television.

in front of
in front of /ɪn frʌnt əv/
Example: The couple is sitting in front of the television.

along /əˈlɔːŋ/
(preposition) from one end to or towards the other end of something
Example: He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along.