Topic 20: Society (2)


contribution /ˌkɑːntrɪˈbjuːʃn/
(noun) a gift or payment that is made to a person or an organization in order to help pay for something
Example: A person's true value does not lie in his appearance, but in his achievements and contributions to the community.

worthwhile /ˌwɜːrθˈwaɪl/
(adjective) important, pleasant, interesting, etc.; worth spending time, money or effort on
Example: It was in aid of a worthwhile cause(= a charity, etc.)

eloquent /ˈeləkwənt/
(adjective) able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in public
Example: People would listen to them only because of their eloquent expressions.

awareness /əˈwernəs/
(noun) knowing something; knowing that something exists and is important
Example: We should raise public awareness of environmental issues.

dynamite /ˈdaɪnəmaɪt/
(noun) a powerful explosive
Example: Using dynamite for fishing is illegal.

mingle /ˈmɪŋɡl/
(verb) to combine or make one thing combine with another
Example: The two flavours mingle well.

aim for
aim for /eɪm fɔːr/
(phrasal verb)
Example: We are aiming for a 50 percent share of the German market.

walk of life
walk of life /wɑːk ɒv laɪf/
Example: Members of the gym include lawyers, teachers, plumbers, and hairdressers - people from all walks of life.

redefine /ˌriːdɪˈfaɪn/
(verb) to change the nature or limits of something; to make people consider something in a new way
Example: Social networking has redefined the meaning of "friend".

benefit from
benefit from /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt frɑːm/
(phrasal verb)
Example: I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wealth.

respective /rɪˈspektɪv/
(adjective) belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already mentioned
Example: Everyone has their own respective characteristics.

deal out
deal out /dɪəl aʊt/
(phrasal verb) to share something out among a group of people
Example: Many judges deal out harsher sentences to men than to women.

eventful /ɪˈventfl/
(adjective) full of things that happen, especially exciting, important or dangerous things
Example: Her time at college was the most eventful period of her life.

symbolize /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/
(verb) to be a symbol of something
Example: The lighting of the Olympic torch symbolizes peace and friendship among the nations of the world.

insurmountable /ˌɪnsərˈmaʊntəbl/
(adjective) that cannot be dealt with successfully
Example: I'm faced with an insurmountable situation.

foresee /fɔːrˈsiː/
(verb) to think something is going to happen in the future; to know about something before it happens
Example: I will foresee your future life.

destructive /dɪˈstrʌktɪv/
(adjective) causing destruction or damage
Example: the destructive power of nuclear weapons

mankind /mænˈkaɪnd/
(noun) all humans, thought about as one large group; the human race
Example: Mankind has always been obsessed by power.

legacy /ˈleɡəsi/
(noun) money or property that is given to you by somebody when they die
Example: They each received a legacy of $5000.

illuminated /ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪd/
(adjective) lit with bright lights
Example: You can see the illuminated city at night.