Topic 28: Environment (2)


burden /ˈbɜːrdn/
(noun) a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work
Example: The secretary usually takes on the burden of ordering lunch for business meetings

removal /rɪˈmuːvl/
(noun) the act of taking somebody/something away from a particular place
Example: Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families.

pick /pɪk/
(verb) to choose somebody/something from a group of people or things
Example: They are picking ripe tomatoes.

capture /ˈkæptʃər/
(verb) to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or shut them in a space that they cannot escape from
Example: The island was captured by Australian forces in 1914.

fume /fjuːm/
(verb) to be very angry about something
Example: The fuming process is used to turn the color of these woods into other shades of yellow and honey-browns.

offshore /ˌɔːfˈʃɔːr/
(adjective) happening or existing in the sea, not far from the land
Example: Vietnam is developing more and more offshore fishing boats.

spill /spɪl/
(verb) to flow over the edge of a container by accident; to make liquid do this
Example: Coffee had spilled out of the cup onto the floor.

natural resources
natural resources /ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl rɪˈzɔːrs/
Example: Some natural resources, such as natural gas and fossil fuel, cannot be replaced.

kill off
kill off /kɪl ɒf/
(phrasal verb) to make a lot of plants, animals, etc. die
Example: Killing off predators such as grizzly bears could throw the ecosystem out of balance.

give out
give out /ɡɪv aʊt/
(phrasal verb) to come to an end; to be completely used up
Example: After a month their food supplies gave out.

combine with
combine with /kəmˈbaɪn wɪð/
Example: Sickness, combined with terrible weather, contrived to ruin the trip.

distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/
(noun) the way that something is spread or exists over a particular area or among a particular group of people
Example: The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.

wipe out
wipe out /waɪp aʊt/
(phrasal verb) to fall over, especially when you are doing a sport such as skiing or surfing
Example: Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.

relish /ˈrelɪʃ/
(verb) to get great pleasure from something; to want very much to do or have something
Example: She's relishing the studying in Bologna for six months.

forage /ˈfɔːrɪdʒ/
(verb) to search widely for food
Example: winter forage

supplement /ˈsʌplɪmənt/
(noun) a thing that is added to something else to improve or complete it
Example: The newspaper publishes a sports supplement every Monday.

predator /ˈpredətər/
(noun) an animal that kills and eats other animals
Example: the relationship between predator and prey

poverty /ˈpɑːvərti/
(noun) the state of being poor
Example: Two million people in the city live in poverty.