Topic 3: Phrasal verbs with Come


come up with
come up with /kʌm ʌp wɪð/
(phrasal verb) to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc.
Example: In order for that small business to succeed, it needs to come up with a new strategy

come in
come in /kʌm ɪn/
(phrasal verb) to enter a room or building
Example: May I come in, teacher?

come across
come across /kʌm əˈkrɒs/
(phrasal verb) to be understood
Example: I came across my high school friend Tom yesterday.

come down
come down /kʌm daʊn/
(phrasal verb) to break and fall to the ground
Example: The price of oil has come down.

come back
come back /kʌm bæk/
(phrasal verb) to return
Example: My boss will come back at 6 pm.

come between
come between /kʌm.bɪˈtwiːn/

Example: From this moment on i want you to know i will let nothing come between us.

come clean
come clean / /kʌm.kliːn//

Example: It’s about time criminals came clean about this.

come easy to
come easy to / kʌm ˈiː.zi tu/

Example: Fame and glory just not come easy.

come from
come from /kʌm frɒm/
(phrasal verb) to have as your place of birth or the place where you live
Example: I come from Vietnam.

come down with
come down with /kʌm daʊn wɪð/
(phrasal verb) to get an illness that is not very serious
Example: I didn't go to work because I came down with the flu.

come into
come into
(phrasal verb) to be left money by somebody who has died
Example: She came into a bit of money when her grandfather died.