Topic 31: International organizations (1)


emphasize /ˈemfəsaɪz/
(verb) to give special importance to something
Example: The nurse emphasized the importance of eating a balanced diet

abuse /əˈbjuːs/
(noun) the use of something in a way that is wrong or harmful
Example: He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.

relief /rɪˈliːf/
(noun) the feeling of happiness that you have when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
Example: We all breathed a sigh of relief when he left.

contemporary /kənˈtempəreri/
(adjective) belonging to the same time
Example: He was contemporary with Ho Chi Minh President.

drought /draʊt/
(noun) a long period of time when there is little or no rain
Example: A drought caused most of the corn crop to fail.

veteran /ˈvetərən/
(noun) a person who has a lot of experience in a particular area or activity
Example: He is a Vietnam veteran.

devastate /ˈdevəsteɪt/
(verb) to completely destroy a place or an area
Example: Such pollutants can devastate the environment.

exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn/
(noun) a situation in which somebody treats somebody else in an unfair way, especially in order to make money from their work
Example: At this rate of mineral exploitation, all our resources will be used up soon.

reforest /ˌriːˈˈfɔːr.ɪst/
Example: They try to reforest this area.

permanent /ˈpɜːrmənənt/
(adjective) lasting for a long time or for all time in the future; existing all the time
Example: Eighty-five percent of the land of Greenland lies beneath a permanent ice cap.

shorten /ˈʃɔːrtn/
(verb) to make something shorter; to become shorter
Example: I've asked him to shorten my blue jeans.

acronym /ˈækrənɪm/
(noun) a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something, for example ‘AIDS’ is an acronym for ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome’
Example: AIDS is an acronym for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".

adolescence /ˌædəˈlesns/
(noun) the time in a person’s life when they develop from a child into an adult
Example: She had a troubled adolescence.

heighten /ˈhaɪtn/
(verb) if a feeling or an effect heightens , or something heightens it, it becomes stronger or increases
Example: The strong police presence only heightened the tension among the crowd.

donor /ˈdəʊnər/
(noun) a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a charity, etc.
Example: The charity received £100,000 from an unnamed donor.

outpost /ˈaʊtpəʊst/
(noun) a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy’s movements, etc.
Example: a military outpost

lodge /lɑːdʒ/
(noun) a small house in the country where people stay when they want to take part in some types of outdoor sport
Example: a mountain lodge used by climbers

dues /duː/
(adjective) caused by somebody/something; because of somebody/something
Example: Members of the club pay $50 in annual dues.

organization /ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃn/
(noun) a group of people who form a business, club, etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim
Example: He's the president of a large international organization.

self help
self help /ˌself ˈhelp/
(noun) the act of relying on your own efforts and abilities in order to solve your problems, rather than depending on other people for help
Example: It is a group providing self-help for single parents.