famous for /ˈfeɪməs fɔːr/ (adjective) Example: She became internationally famous for her songs.
good at /gʊd ət/ (a.) Example: She's good at singing.
tired of /taɪrd əv/ (a.) Example: They seemed to be tired of my questions.
angry with /ˈæŋ.ɡri wɪθ/ (a.) Example: I was very angry with her.
fond of /fɑːnd əv/ (a.) Example: My mouse is also fond of cheese.
full of /fʊl əv/ (a.) Example: This fridge is full of fresh food.
different from /ˈdɪf.ɚ.ənt frɑːm/ (a.) Example: Things are different than they were a year ago.
busy with /ˈbɪz.i wɪθ/ (a.) Example: My mom was busy with the work at the end of the year.
afraid of /əˈfreɪd əv/ (a.) Example: Why is she afraid of spiders?
interested in /ˈɪn.trɪs.tɪd ɪn/ (a.) Example: Should I try and get my son interested in football?
aware of /əˈwer əv/ (a.) Example: A parent must be aware of the individual and discrete needs of each of his children.
innocent of /ˈɪn.ə.sənt əv/ (a.) Example: He was found innocent of any wrongdoing.
familiar with /fəˈmɪl.jɚ wɪθ/ (a.) Example: One of the other leaders will help you until you become familiar with the machine you'll be working on.
disappointed with /ˌdɪs.əˈpɔɪn.tɪd wɪθ/ (a.) Example: He was really disappointed with the examination results.
keen on /kiːn ɒn/ (a.) Example: This man is very keen on football.
surprised at /sɚˈpraɪzd ət/ (a.) Example: We were quite surprised at the outcome of the meeting.
worried about /ˈwɝːid əˈbaʊt/ (a.) Example: To be free of stress, one shouldn't get worried about small problems, and more importantly, one should realize that all problems are small.
bored with /bɔːrd wɪθ/ (a.) Example: She was fairly bored with you.
proud of /praʊd əv/ (a.) Example: He is proud of being a musician.
similar to /ˈsɪm.ə.lɚ wɪθ/ (a.) Example: She is wearing a wedding dress which is somewhat similar to that of her sister.