assist /əˈsɪst/
(verb) to help somebody to do something
Example: Bonnie hired a secretary to assist her with the many details of the event

coordinate /kəʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt/
(verb) to organize the different parts of an activity and the people involved in it so that it works well
Example: Benet tried to coordinate all departments to make sure the event ran smoothly

dimension /daɪˈmenʃn/
(noun) a measurement in space, for example how high, wide or long something is
Example: What are the dimensions of the ballroom?

exact /ɪɡˈzækt/
(adjective) correct in every detail
Example: We will need an exact head count by noon tomorrow

general /ˈdʒenrəl/
(adjective) affecting all or most people, places or things
Example: We have a general idea of how many guests will attend

ideally /aɪˈdiːəli/
(adverb) perfectly; in the most suitable way
Example: Ideally, the location for the concert would have plenty of parking

lead time
lead time /liːd taɪm/
(noun) the time between starting and completing a production process; the time between placing an order and the item being delivered
Example: The lead time for reservations is unrealistic

plan /plæn/
(noun) something that you intend to do or achieve
Example: Planning their wedding was a source of tension for the young couple

proximity /prɑːkˈsɪməti/
(noun) the state of being near somebody/something in distance or time
Example: The fans were worried by the proximity of the storm clouds

regulate /ˈreɡjuleɪt/
(verb) to control something by means of rules
Example: The activities of credit companies are regulated by law.

site /saɪt/
(noun) a place where a building, town, etc. was, is or will be located
Example: Once we saw the site, we knew it would be perfect for the event

stage /steɪdʒ/
(noun) a period or state that something/somebody passes through while developing or making progress
Example: A historic house can be the perfect site to stage a small reception