Lesson 10: RECYCLING


confirm /kənˈfɜːrm/
(verb) to state or show that something is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence
Example: Please write to confirm your reservation

packaging /ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ/
(noun) materials used to wrap or protect goods that are sold in shops
Example: Sweets have plastic packaging.

pipe /paɪp/
(noun) a tube through which liquids and gases can flow
Example: The pipes in my house are broken, so water covers the floor.

firmly /ˈfɜːrmli/
(adverb) in a strong or definite way
Example: Make sure that the rope is firmly attached.

liquid /ˈlɪkwɪd/
(noun) a substance that flows freely and is not a solid or a gas, for example water or oil
Example: Water is a kind of liquid.

representative /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/
(noun) a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for somebody else or for a group of people, or to take the place of somebody else
Example: The conference was attended by representatives from many countries.

deposit /dɪˈpɑːzɪt/
(noun) a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment
Example: The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.

reduce /rɪˈduːs/
(verb) to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.; to become less or smaller in size, quantity, etc.
Example: Doctors will always try to reduce the temperature of patients with fever.

shade /ʃeɪd/
(noun) an area that is dark and cool under or behind something, for example a tree or building, because the sun’s light does not get to it
Example: We sat down in the shade of the wall.

wire /ˈwaɪər/
(noun) metal in the form of thin thread ; a piece of this
Example: In front of my house is a wire fence.

leather /ˈleðər/
(noun) material made by removing the hair or fur from animal skins and preserving the skins using special processes
Example: I like this leather jacket.

plastic /ˈplæstɪk/
(noun) a light strong material that is produced by chemical processes and can be formed into shapes when heated. There are many different types of plastic , used to make different objects and fabrics .
Example: These bottles are made from plastic.

grain /ɡreɪn/
(noun) the small hard seeds of food plants such as wheat , rice, etc.; a single seed of such a plant
Example: In rural areas, rats are a threat to grains.

package /ˈpækɪdʒ/
(noun) something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily, or given as a present
Example: Products are packaged before being sold.

wrap /ræp/
(verb) to cover something completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving it as a present
Example: The book is carefully wrapped.

metal /ˈmetl/
(noun) a type of solid mineral substance that is usually hard and shiny and that heat and electricity can travel through, for example tin, iron and gold
Example: The frame is made of metal.

tire /ˈtaɪər/
(verb) to become tired and feel as if you want to sleep or rest; to make somebody feel this way
Example: Can you help me change the front tire?

soak /səʊk/
(verb) to put something in liquid for a time so that it becomes completely wet; to become completely wet in this way
Example: Soak the beans overnight before cooking.

fertilizer /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər/
(noun) a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
Example: The farmer should apply fertilizer regularly.

relieve /rɪˈliːv/
(verb) to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain
Example: Eating bananas can relieve the stress.

bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/
(noun) an open container with a handle, used for carrying or holding liquids, sand, etc.
Example: He is so weak that he can't lift a bucket of water.

compost /ˈkɑːmpəʊst/
(noun) a mixture of decayed (= destroyed by natural processes) plants, food, etc. that can be added to soil to help plants grow
Example: Compost is a mixture of decaying plants and vegetables that is added to soil to improve its quality.

decompose /ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz/
(verb) to be destroyed gradually after death by natural processes
Example: Decomposed leaves will turn into compost.

detergent /dɪˈtɜːrdʒənt/
(noun) a liquid or powder that helps remove dirt, for example from clothes or dishes
Example: You shouldn't clean it with any detergent.

fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/
(noun) material made by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, curtains, etc. and for covering furniture
Example: The fabric used to make umbrellas is strong.

floor covering
floor covering /flɔː(r) ˈkʌvərɪŋ/
Example: The house looks more beautiful with new floor coverings.

glassware /ˈɡlæswer/
(noun) objects made of glass
Example: We purchased silver and glassware.

heap /hiːp/
(noun) an untidy pile of something
Example: His clothes lay in a heap on the floor.

mash /mæʃ/
(noun) potatoes that have been boiled and made into a soft mass, often mixed with butter and milk
Example: You can mash the mango with the spoon.

mesh /meʃ/
(noun) material made of a network of wire or plastic threads
Example: The bird was stuck in the mesh.

milkman /ˈmɪlkmən/
(noun) (especially in the UK) a person whose job is to deliver milk to customers each morning
Example: Every morning I get fresh milk from the milkman.

refill /ˌriːˈfɪl/
(verb) to fill something again
Example: The waiter refilled our wine glasses.

reuse /ˌriːˈjuːz/
(verb) to use something again
Example: These milk bottles can be reused.

sandal /ˈsændl/
(noun) a type of light open shoe that is worn in warm weather. The top part consists of leather bands that fasten the sole to your foot.
Example: These sandals are too small for me to wear.

scarf /skɑːrf/
(noun) a piece of cloth that is worn around the neck or over the hair or shoulders, for example to keep warm or for decoration
Example: I'm not cold because I'm wearing a scarf.

scatter /ˈskætər/
(verb) to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground
Example: The farmer was scattering the grains of rice on the ground.

tray /treɪ/
(noun) a flat piece of wood, metal or plastic with raised edges, used for carrying or holding things, especially food
Example: The waiter came back with atray of food.

vegetable matter
vegetable matter /ˈvedʒtəbl ˈmætə(r)/
Example: It may take vegetable matter several weeks to decompose.