matter /ˈmætər/ (noun) used (to ask) if somebody is upset, unhappy, etc. or if there is a problem Example: If there are no other matters to discuss, we will conclude the meeting
taste /teɪst/ (noun) the particular quality that different foods and drinks have that allows you to recognize them when you put them in your mouth Example: He has very good taste in music.
sense /sens/ (noun) an understanding about something; an ability to judge something Example: I got the sense it would be better to get my prescription filled right away
chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ (noun) a large bird that is often kept for its eggs or meat Example: They keep chickens in the back yard.
bowl /bəʊl/ (noun) a deep round dish with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid Example: I would like a bowl of noodles.
coffee /ˈkɔːfi/ (noun) the roasted seeds (called coffee beans ) of a tropical bush; a powder made from them Example: I often drink a cup of coffee in the morning.
water /ˈwɔːtər/ (noun) a liquid without colour, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes, rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc. Example: I need some water.
tomato /təˈmeɪtəʊ/ (noun) a soft fruit with a lot of juice and shiny red skin that is eaten as a vegetable either raw or cooked Example: There are some tomatoes in the fridge.
hot /hɑːt/ (adjective) having a high temperature; producing heat Example: It's very hot today.
orange /ˈɔːrɪndʒ/ (noun) a round citrus fruit with thick skin of a colour between red and yellow and a lot of sweet juice Example: Would you like some orange?
onion /ˈʌnjən/ (noun) a round vegetable with many layers inside each other and a brown, red or white skin. Onions have a strong smell and taste. Example: Can you buy me some onions?
tired /ˈtaɪərd/ (adjective) feeling that you would like to sleep or rest; needing rest Example: He is very tired.
hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/ (adjective) feeling that you want to eat something Example: She is very hungry.
apple /ˈæpl/ (noun) a round fruit with shiny red or green skin that is fairly hard and white inside Example: I took a bite of the apple.
menu /ˈmenjuː/ (noun) a list of the food that is available at a restaurant or to be served at a meal Example: The chef put together a special menu of drinks and dishes employing chocolate.
carrot /ˈkærət/ (noun) a long pointed orange root vegetable Example: Rabbits like eating carrots.
glass /ɡlæs/ (noun) a hard, usually clear, substance used, for example, for making windows and bottles Example: I cut myself on a piece of broken glass.
beef /biːf/ (noun) meat that comes from a cow Example: I have lunch with beef and rice.
thirsty /ˈθɜːrsti/ (adjective) needing or wanting to drink Example: He is very thirsty.
meat /miːt/ (noun) the soft part of an animal or a bird that can be eaten as food; a particular type of this Example: He likes eating meat.
want /wɑːnt/ (verb) to have a desire or a wish for something/somebody Example: Do you want to have some more tea?
stay /steɪ/ (verb) to continue to be in a particular place for a period of time without moving away Example: We will stay at the hotel.
juice /dʒuːs/ (noun) the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables; a drink made from this Example: This drink is good for your health.
full /fʊl/ (adjective) containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space Example: Are you full?
cool /kuːl/ (adjective) fairly cold; not hot or warm Example: She looks pretty cool with that new haircut.
rice /raɪs/ (noun) short, narrow white or brown grain grown on wet land in hot countries as food; the plant that produces this grain Example: I usually have rice, vegetable and meat for lunch.
bread /bred/ (noun) a type of food made from flour, water and usually yeast mixed together and baked Example: Would you like some pieces of bread?
food /fuːd/ (noun) things that people or animals eat Example: Do we have enough food for this winter?
healthy /ˈhelθi/ (adjective) having good health and not likely to become ill Example: Eating a lot of vegetables is a healthy lifestyle.
fruit /fruːt/ (noun) the part of a plant that consists of one or more seeds and a soft inner part, can be eaten as food and usually tastes sweet Example: You should eat more fruit.
potato /pəˈteɪtəʊ/ (noun) a round white vegetable with a brown or red skin that grows underground as part of a plant also called a potato Example: Those farmers are planting potatoes.
wind /wɪnd/ (noun) air that moves quickly as a result of natural forces Example: There is a strong wind blowing.
tea /tiː/ (noun) the dried leaves (called tea leaves ) of the tea bush Example: Would you like a cup of tea?
fish /fɪʃ/ (noun) a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills , and uses fins and a tail for swimming Example: There are many fish in this pond.
milk /mɪlk/ (noun) the white liquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for their young and used as a drink by humans Example: She is drinking milk.
cold /kəʊld/ (adjective) having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body Example: I caught a cold because I walked in the rain.
drink /drɪŋk/ (noun) a liquid for drinking; an amount of a liquid that you drink Example: Can I have a drink?
lemonade /ˌleməˈneɪd/ (noun) a sweet fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that tastes of lemon Example: I like drinking lemonade.
cabbage /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ (noun) a round vegetable with large green, purplish-red or white leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked Example: Can I have more cabbage?
apple juice /'æpl ʤu (noun) Example: I will buy some apple juice.
banana /bəˈnænə/ (noun) a long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin and that is soft inside, which grows on trees in hot countries Example: I like bananas.
bean /biːn/ (noun) a seed, or pod containing seeds, of a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable. There are several types of bean and the plants that they grow on are also called beans . Example: My mother buys a kilogram of beans.
black coffee / blæk ˈkɔːfi/ (noun) Example: My father likes black coffee.
cold drink /kəʊld driŋk/ (noun) Example: Would you like a cold drink?
favorite /ˈfeɪvərɪt / (adjective) Example: It's one of my favorite movies.
feel /fiːl/ (verb) to experience a particular feeling or emotion Example: Do you feel cold?
iced coffee /aɪst ˈkɔːfi/ (noun) Example: Would you like a cup of iced coffee?
iced tea /aɪst ti (noun) Example: I would like a glass of iced tea.
lettuce /ˈletɪs/ (noun) a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw, especially in salad. There are many types of lettuce . Example: My father likes lettuce very much.
noodle /ˈnuːdl/ (noun) a long thin piece of pasta , used especially in Chinese and Italian cooking Example: There are some noodles in the fridge.
orange juice /ˈɔːrɪndʒ ʤu (noun) Example: Orange juice is very good for your health.
pea /piː/ (noun) a small round green seed, eaten as a vegetable. Several peas grow together inside a long thin pod on a climbing plant also called a pea . Example: My mother buys a kilogram of peas.
pork /pɔːrk/ (noun) meat from a pig that has not been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke) Example: There isn’t any pork left.
soda /ˈsəʊdə/ (noun) fizzy water (= water with bubbles) used as a drink on its own or to mix with alcoholic drinks or fruit juice (originally made with sodium bicarbonate ) Example: Do you like a soda?
white coffee /waɪt ˈkɔːfi/ (noun) Example: I would like some white coffee.
would like /wʊd laɪk/ (verb) Example: I would like some oranges.