Lesson 13: HOBBIES


ignore /ɪɡˈnɔːr/
(verb) to pay no attention to something
Example: He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette

present /ˈpreznt/
(adjective) existing or happening now
Example: The present study has two main aims.

broaden /ˈbrɔːdn/
(verb) to become wider
Example: Dominique wants to broaden her knowledge of opera history

category /ˈkætəɡɔːri/
(noun) a group of people or things with particular features in common
Example: Jazz is one of many categories of music

admire /ədˈmaɪər/
(verb) to respect somebody for what they have done or to respect their qualities
Example: I admire all the effort the museum put into organizing this wonderful exhibit

mostly /ˈməʊstli/
(adverb) mainly; generally
Example: The band are mostly teenagers, I think.

admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃn/
(noun) a feeling of respect for and approval of somebody/something
Example: I had great admiration for him as an actor.

occupied /ˈɑːkjupaɪd/
(adjective) being used by somebody
Example: My hobbies really keep me occupied.

profit /ˈprɑːfɪt/
(noun) the money that you make in business or by selling things, especially after paying the costs involved
Example: We don't profit from the lower borrowing costs.

hero /ˈhɪrəʊ/
(noun) a person who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good
Example: One of the country’s national heroes.

tune /tuːn/
(noun) a series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music
Example: That's a very catchy tune.

accompany /əˈkʌmpəni/
(verb) to travel or go somewhere with somebody/something
Example: "May I accompany you to the ball?" he asked her.

Presentation /ˌpriːznˈteɪʃn/
(noun) a meeting at which something, especially a new product or idea, or piece of work, is shown to a group of people
Example: There’s a presentation in the meeting room.

accomplished /əˈkɑːmplɪʃt/
(adjective) very good at a particular thing; having a lot of skills
Example: She's a very accomplished pianist.

classify /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/
(verb) to arrange something in groups according to features that they have in common
Example: The books in the library are classified by subject.

overseas /ˌəʊvərˈsiːz/
(adjective) connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean
Example: There are a lot of overseas students in San Francisco.

fish tank
fish tank /fɪʃ tæŋk/
Example: A fish tank is usually a glass container used for keeping pet fish.

profitable /ˈprɑːfɪtəbl/
(adjective) that makes or is likely to make money
Example: Using solar energy in manufacturing is profitable for all of us.

keep fish
keep fish /kiːp fɪʃ/
Example: Keeping fish is one of our hobbies.

modest /ˈmɑːdɪst/
(adjective) not very large, expensive, important, etc.
Example: He is very modest about his singing career’s success.

avid /ˈævɪd/
(adjective) very enthusiastic about something (often a hobby)
Example: My brother is an avid football fan.

discard /dɪˈskɑːrd/
(verb) to get rid of something that you no longer want or need
Example: Don't discard that trash, save it and sell for money.

once in a while
once in a while /wʌns ɪn ə waɪl/
Example: We meet for lunch once in a while.

indulge (in)
indulge (in) /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/
Example: I love champagne but I don't often indulge myself.

for a while
for a while /fər ə waɪl/
Example: Please wait for a while.

admirable /ˈædmərəbl/
(adjective) having qualities that you admire and respect
Example: The police did an admirable job in keeping the fans calm.

stall /stɔːl/
(noun) a table or small shop with an open front that people sell things from, especially at a market
Example: I often buy books from second-hand book stalls.

classification /ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/
(noun) the act or process of putting people or things into a group or class (= of classifying them)
Example: My classification of stamps is based on the regions they come from.

categorize /ˈkætəɡəraɪz/
(verb) to put people or things into groups according to what type they are
Example: The books are categorized into beginner and advanced.

bygones /ˈbaɪɡɔːnz/
(noun) to decide to forget about arguments that happened in the past
Example: Just let bygones be bygones and be friends again.

gigantic /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/
(adjective) extremely large
Example: Look at that gigantic statue.

ignorantly /ˈɪɡnərəntli/
(adverb) without knowing about something, especially when this makes you act in a way that is bad or unwise
Example: He ignorantly said that climate change is no big deal.

ignorance /ˈɪɡnərəns/
(noun) a lack of knowledge or information about something
Example: She was kept in ignorance of her husband's activities.

cope (with)
cope (with) /kəʊp/
Example: It must be difficult to cope with three small children and a job.

bump into
bump into /bʌmp ˈɪntə /
(phrasal verb) to meet somebody by chance
Example: His car bumped into a truck.