process /ˈprɑːses/ (noun) a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result Example: There is a process for determining why your computer is malfunctioning
automatically /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/ (adverb) without needing a person to operate controls Example: The door opens automatically
flavor /ˈfleɪvər/ (noun) how food or drink tastes Example: The cook changed the flavor of the soup with a unique blend of herbs
shell /ʃel/ (noun) the hard outer part of eggs, nuts, some seeds, and some animals Example: I like collecting sea shells.
manufacture /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər/ (verb) to make goods in large quantities, using machines Example: He works for a company that manufactures car parts.
wire /ˈwaɪər/ (noun) metal in the form of thin thread ; a piece of this Example: In front of my house is a wire fence.
official /əˈfɪʃl/ (adjective) agreed to, said, done, etc. by somebody who is in a position of authority Example: Palace officials are refusing to comment on the royal divorce.
crush /krʌʃ/ (verb) to press something so hard that it is damaged or injured, or loses its shape Example: My dress got crushed in my suitcase.
powder /ˈpaʊdər/ (noun) a dry mass of very small fine pieces or grains Example: A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.
remove /rɪˈmuːv/ (verb) to take somebody/something away from a place Example: The ringing bells can remove people's bad actions from the previous year.
toaster /ˈtəʊstər/ (noun) an electrical machine for making toast Example: I don't know how to use this toaster.
hairdryer /ˈherdraɪər/ (noun) a small machine used for drying your hair by blowing hot air over it Example: I often use a hairdryer in winter when it's so cold.
inventor /ɪnˈventər/ (noun) a person who has invented something or whose job is inventing things Example: Thomas Edison is a famous inventor.
conveyor belt /kənˈveɪər belt/ (noun) a continuous moving band used for transporting goods from one part of a building to another, for example products in a factory or bags, cases, etc. in an airport Example: There is something under the conveyor belt.
defrost /diːˈfrɔːst/ (verb) to become warmer so that it is no longer frozen; to make food warmer so that it is no longer frozen Example: It will take about twenty minutes to defrost.
facsimile /fækˈsɪməli/ (noun) an exact copy of something Example: My father is going to buy a facsimile machine.
ferment /fərˈment/ (verb) to experience a chemical change because of the action of yeast or bacteria, often changing sugar to alcohol; to make something change in this way Example: Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.
foreman /ˈfɔːrmən/ (noun) a male worker who is in charge of a group of other factory or building workers Example: The foreman is taking us around the factory.
grind /ɡraɪnd/ (verb) to break or press something into very small pieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine Example: Shall I grind a little black pepper over your pizza?
helicopter /ˈhelɪkɑːptər/ (noun) an aircraft without wings that has large blades (= long flat parts) on top that go round. It can fly straight up from the ground and can also stay in one position in the air. Example: He knows how to fly a helicopter.
liquify /ˈlɪkwəˌfaɪ/ (verb) Example: The beans are crushed and liquified.
loudspeaker /ˌlaʊdˈspiːkər/ (noun) a piece of equipment that changes electrical signals into sound, used in public places for announcing things, playing music, etc. Example: We stood in the square and listened to Obama's speech over a loudspeaker.
microwave /ˈmaɪkrəweɪv/ (noun) a type of oven that cooks or heats food very quickly using electromagnetic waves rather than heat Example: Julian is heating the cake for breakfast in the microwave.
mold /məʊld/ (noun) a container that you pour a liquid or soft substance into, which then becomes solid in the same shape as the container, for example when it is cooled or cooked Example: My mom said that she needed a chocolate mold right now.
pulp /pʌlp/ (noun) a soft wet substance that is made especially by pressing hard on something Example: Wood pulp is the most common material used to make paper.
reinforced concrete /ˌriːɪnˌfɔːrst ˈkɑːnkriːt/ (noun) concrete (= a hard building material) with metal bars or wires inside to make it stronger Example: These pillars are made of reinforced concrete.
thresh /θreʃ/ (verb) to separate grains of rice, wheat , etc. from the rest of the plant using a machine or, especially in the past, by hitting it with a special tool Example: My parents are threshing rice plants.
vacuum /ˈvækjuːm/ (noun) a space that is completely empty of all substances, including all air or other gas Example: A vacuum is quite expensive in Vietnam.