confidence /ˈkɑːnfɪdəns/
(noun) the feeling that you can trust, believe in and be sure about the abilities or good qualities of somebody/something
Example: Good applicants show confidence during an interview

diversify /daɪˈvɜːrsɪfaɪ/
(verb) to develop a wider range of products, interests, skills, etc. in order to be more successful or reduce risk
Example: The consultant that we hired recommends that we don't diversify at this time

significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/
(adjective) large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed
Example: There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.

confident /ˈkɑːnfɪdənt/
(adjective) feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful
Example: They are more confident than I thought.

approve /əˈpruːv/
(verb) to think that somebody/something is good, acceptable or suitable
Example: We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans to extend the house.

married /ˈmærid/
(adjective) having a husband or wife
Example: When are you getting married?

marry /ˈmæri/
(verb) to become the husband or wife of somebody; to get married to somebody
Example: Men tend to marry later than women.

marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/
(noun) the legal relationship between two people who are married to each other
Example: They had a long and happy marriage.

contract /ˈkɑːntrækt/
(noun) an official written agreement
Example: Are you going to break the contract?

engaged /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/
(adjective) having agreed to marry somebody
Example: Did they get engaged on Saturday?

approval /əˈpruːvl/
(noun) the feeling that somebody/something is good or acceptable; a positive opinion of somebody/something
Example: The project has now received approval from the government.

generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/
(noun) all the people who were born at about the same time
Example: My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.

disapproval /ˌdɪsəˈpruːvl/
(noun) a feeling that you do not like an idea, an action or somebody’s behaviour because you think it is bad, not suitable or going to have a bad effect on somebody else
Example: She expresses her strong disapproval by refusing to go out with him.

diversity /daɪˈvɜːrsəti/
(noun) a range of many people or things that are very different from each other
Example: Is America the most ethnic diversity country in the world?

signify /ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪ/
(verb) to be a sign of something
Example: Nobody really knows what the marks on the ancient stones signify.

significance /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns/
(noun) the importance of something, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future
Example: The discovery of the new drug is of great significance for people suffering from heart problems.

have confidence in somebody
have confidence in somebody /hæv ˈkɒnfɪdəns ɪn ˈsʌmbədi/
Example: I have complete confidence in her. She'll be perfect for the job.

confide in somebody
confide in somebody /kənˈfaɪd ɪn ˈsʌmbədi/
Example: She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her

diverse /daɪˈvɜːrs/
(adjective) very different from each other and of various kinds
Example: The area is diverse with different types of animals and plants.

contractual /kənˈtræktʃuəl/
(adjective) connected with the conditions of a legal written agreement; agreed in a contract
Example: Are you under a contractual obligation to any other company?

precede /prɪˈsiːd/
(verb) to happen before something or come before something/somebody in order
Example: It would be helpful if you were to precede the way.

precedence /ˈpresɪdəns/
(noun) the condition of being more important than somebody else and therefore coming or being dealt with first
Example: Business people often think that fluency and communication take precedence over grammar when speaking.

engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/
(noun) an agreement to marry somebody; the period during which two people are engaged
Example: They announced their engagement at the party on Sunday.

counterpart /ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt/
(noun) a person or thing that has the same position or function as somebody/something else in a different place or situation
Example: The Prime Minister will meet with his European counterparts to discuss the war against drugs.

generational /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃənl/
(adjective) connected with a particular generation or with the relationship between different generations
Example: There are generational differences in opinion between parents and children.