signature /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/ (noun) your name as you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter Example: The customer's signature was kept on file for identification purposes
list /lɪst/ (noun) a series of names, items, figures, etc., especially when they are written or printed Example: We keep a list of all the restaurants in this area that deliver
habit /ˈhæbɪt/ (noun) a thing that you do often and almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing Example: The patient had a habit of grinding his teeth during his sleep
pronounce /prəˈnaʊns/ (verb) to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way Example: How do you pronounce your surname?
stick /stɪk/ (verb) to fix something to something else, usually with a sticky substance; to become fixed to something in this way Example: I tried to stick the pieces together with some glue.
acceptable /əkˈseptəbl/ (adjective) agreed or approved of by most people in a society Example: For this course an acceptable passing grade is at least a B.
highlight /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ (verb) to emphasize something, especially so that people give it more attention Example: Your résumé should highlight your skills and achievements.
meaning /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ (noun) the thing or idea that a sound, word, sign, etc. represents Example: The expression has two very different meanings in English.
term /tɜːrm/ (noun) a word or phrase used as the name of something, especially one connected with a particular type of language Example: The main exams are at the end of the summer term.
revision /rɪˈvɪʒn/ (noun) a change or set of changes to something Example: Have you started your revision yet?
proud /praʊd/ (adjective) feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done, or are connected with Example: Her parents are very proud of her.
improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ (verb) to become better than before; to make something/somebody better than before Example: I am improving my English skills.
excellent /ˈeksələnt/ (adjective) extremely good Example: She speaks excellent French.
comment /ˈkɑːment/ (noun) something that you say or write that gives an opinion on or explains somebody/something Example: His critical comments have contributed to my success.
pronunciation /prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃn/ (noun) the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced Example: Speak as much as you can, and don't worry about your pronunciation.
repair /rɪˈper/ (verb) to fix something that is broken, damaged or torn Example: My brother is repairing my car.
memory /ˈmeməri/ (noun) your ability to remember things Example: He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident.
appreciate /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ (verb) to recognize the good qualities of somebody/something Example: We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems.
celebrate /ˈselɪbreɪt/ (verb) to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it Example: Vietnamese people celebrate Tet at different times each year.
fair /fer/ (adjective) acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation Example: Jenny excels in Science, but her grades in English are just fair.
passage /ˈpæsɪdʒ/ (noun) a long narrow area with walls on either side that connects one room or place with another Example: I always have difficulties reading long passages.
learn by heart /lɜːn baɪ hɑːt/ (v. phr.) to learn something in such a way that you can say it from memory Example: You shouldn't learn isolated words by heart but always put them in context.
attendance /əˈtendəns/ (noun) the act of being present at a place, for example at school Example: Teachers must keep a record of students' attendances.
sore throat /sɔː θrəʊt/ (noun) a condition in which your throat is red and feels painful, especially when you swallow Example: I can’t speak as I am having a sore throat.
mother tongue /ˌmʌðər ˈtʌŋ/ (noun) the language that you first learn to speak when you are a child Example: Our mother tongue is Vietnamese.
underline /ˌʌndərˈlaɪn/ (verb) to draw or print a line under a word, sentence, etc. Example: All the mistakes were underlined in red ink.
semester /sɪˈmestər/ (noun) one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into Example: The new semester will begin next month.
sickness /ˈsɪknəs/ (noun) illness; bad health Example: She couldn’t go to work because of sickness.
come across /kʌm əˈkrɒs/ (phrasal verb) to be understood Example: I came across my high school friend Tom yesterday.
behavior /bɪˈheɪvjər/ (noun) the way that somebody behaves, especially towards other people Example: The head master will not tolerate bad behavior.
co-operation /kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ (noun) Example: Thank you for your co-operation.
lunar /ˈluːnər/ (adjective) connected with the moon Example: People are preparing for the Lunar New Year.
mend /mend/ (verb) to repair something that has been damaged or broken so that it can be used again Example: Could you mend my bike for me?
participation /pɑːrˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn/ (noun) the act of taking part in an activity or event Example: Thank you for your participation.
postcard /ˈpəʊstkɑːrd/ (noun) a card used for sending messages by post without an envelope , especially one that has a picture on one side Example: The picture on the postcard is of the ancient Hanoi capital.
report card /rɪˈpɔːt kɑːd/ (noun) Example: Ms Lan gave me your report card yesterday.
satisfactory /ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri/ (adjective) good enough for a particular purpose Example: There seems to be no satisfactory explanation.
Spanish /ˈspænɪʃ/ (adjective) from or connected with Spain Example: I met a Spanish man yesterday.