consume /kənˈsuːm/ (verb) to use something, especially fuel, energy or time Example: The printer consumes more toner than the downstairs printer
invest /ɪnˈvest/ (verb) to buy property, shares in a company, etc. in the hope of making a profit Example: Don't invest all of your time in just one project
reform /rɪˈfɔːrm/ (noun) change that is made to a social system, an organization, etc. in order to improve or correct it Example: For years I was an alcoholic, but I reformed when the doctors gave me six months to live.
sector /ˈsektər/ (noun) a part of an area of activity, especially of a country’s economy Example: In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money.
investment /ɪnˈvestmənt/ (noun) the act of investing money in something Example: Stocks are regarded as good long-term investments.
substantial /səbˈstænʃl/ (adjective) large in amount, value or importance Example: She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother.
Renovate /ˈrenəveɪt/ (verb) to repair and paint an old building, a piece of furniture, etc. so that it is in good condition again Example: We are planning to renovate our main lobby.
inflation /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/ (noun) a general rise in the prices of services and goods in a particular country, resulting in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happens Example: The rate of inflation this year is ten percent.
eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ (verb) to remove or get rid of something Example: Two contestants were eliminated from last night’s show.
stagnant /ˈstæɡnənt/ (adjective) stagnant water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant Example: A stagnant economy is not growing or developing.
consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ (noun) the act of using energy, food or materials; the amount used Example: Industrialized countries should reduce their energy consumption.
consumer /kənˈsuːmər/ (noun) a person who buys goods or uses services Example: It is necessary to raise consumers' awareness.
reformation /ˌrefərˈmeɪʃn/ (noun) the act of improving or changing somebody/something Example: He's undergone something of a reformation.
reformer /rɪˈfɔːrmər/ (noun) a person who works to achieve political or social change Example: My uncle has worked as a social reformer for years.
investor /ɪnˈvestər/ (noun) a person or an organization that invests money in something Example:
inflate /ɪnˈfleɪt/ (verb) to fill something or become filled with gas or air Example: He inflated the balloons with helium.
inflationary /ɪnˈfleɪʃəneri/ (adjective) causing or connected with a general rise in the prices of services and goods Example: The inflationary trends are difficult to predict.
elimination /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ (noun) the process of removing or getting rid of something completely Example: We eventually found the answer by a process of elimination.
subsidy /ˈsʌbsədi/ (noun) money that is paid by a government or an organization to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low Example: The government is planning to abolish subsidies to farmers.
renovation /ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/ (noun) the act or process of repairing and painting an old building, piece of furniture, etc. so that it is in good condition again Example: The house underwent major renovations.