Lesson 7: I HAVE A FEVER


matter /ˈmætər/
(noun) used (to ask) if somebody is upset, unhappy, etc. or if there is a problem
Example: If there are no other matters to discuss, we will conclude the meeting

examine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/
(verb) to consider or study an idea, a subject, etc. very carefully
Example: Before marketing a new product, researchers must carefully examine it from every aspect

eye /aɪ/
(noun) either of the two organs on the face that you see with
Example: There were tears in his eyes.

arm /ɑːrm/
(noun) either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the body and connect the shoulders to the hands
Example: The broken arm makes him uncomfortable.

health /helθ/
(noun) the condition of a person’s body or mind
Example: Exhaust fumes are bad for your health.

cough /kɔːf/
(verb) to force out air suddenly and noisily through your throat, for example when you have a cold
Example: She caught a cold and has been coughing for three days.

ear /ɪr/
(noun) either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with
Example: Put your hands over your ears.

brush /brʌʃ/
(verb) to clean, polish or make something smooth with a brush
Example: Do you brush your teeth every day?

mouth /maʊθ/
(noun) the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.; the area inside the head behind this opening
Example: Please open your mouth.

dentist /ˈdentɪst/
(noun) a person whose job is to take care of people’s teeth
Example: A dentist's job is taking care of people's teeth.

foot /fʊt/
(noun) the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or an animal stands
Example: He can stand on one foot very long.

fever /ˈfiːvər/
(noun) a medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal
Example: Aspirin should help reduce the fever

hand /hænd/
(noun) the part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb
Example: I want to hold your hand.

should /ʃəd/
(modal verb) used to show what is right, appropriate, etc., especially when criticizing somebody’s actions
Example: You should be ashamed of yourselves.

leg /leɡ/
(noun) one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body
Example: How many legs does an ant have?

head /hed/
(noun) the part of the body on top of the neck containing the eyes, nose, mouth and brain
Example: She shakes her head when she doesn't agree.

headache /ˈhedeɪk/
(noun) a continuous pain in the head
Example: I had a terrible headache yesterday.

cold /kəʊld/
(adjective) having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body
Example: I caught a cold because I walked in the rain.

toothache /ˈtuːθeɪk/
(noun) a pain in your teeth or in one tooth
Example: I've got a toothache.

sore throat
sore throat /sɔː θrəʊt/
(noun) a condition in which your throat is red and feels painful, especially when you swallow
Example: I can’t speak as I am having a sore throat.

nose /nəʊz/
(noun) the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling things
Example: Her mother has a sharp nose.

neck /nek/
(noun) the part of the body between the head and the shoulders
Example: The boy keeps the key on a string around his neck.

get better soon
get better soon /ɡɛt ˈbɛtə suːn/

see a doctor
see a doctor /siː ə ˈdɒktə/

take some aspirins
take some aspirins /teɪk sʌm ˈasp(ə)rɪnz/