comedy /ˈkɑːmədi/ (noun) a play, film or TV show that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays, films and TV shows of this type Example: Mr. Bean is a British comedy television series.
Internet /ˈɪntərnet/ (noun) an international computer network connecting other networks and computers that allows people to share information around the world Example: It is popular to use the internet nowadays.
feature /ˈfiːtʃər/ (noun) something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing Example: The software has no particular distinguishing features.
mass media /mæs ˈmiːdiə/ (noun) Example: Mass media has a great effect on human life.
cartoon /kɑːrˈtuːn/ (noun) a humorous drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially one about politics or events in the news Example: I like watching cartoons.
weather forecast /ˈweðər fɔːrkæst/ (noun) a description, for example on the radio or television, of what the weather will be like tomorrow or for the next few days Example: Farmers usually watch the weather forecast to prepare for farming work.
documentary /ˌdɑːkjuˈmentri/ (noun) a film or a radio or television programme giving facts about something Example: It is a documentary about real events including real crimes.
aurally /ˈɔːrəli/ (adverb) in a way that is connected with hearing and listening Example: We receive information aurally when we listen to the radio.
orally /ˈɔːrəli/ (adverb) by speaking rather than writing Example: This subject will be checked orally.
passive /ˈpæsɪv/ (adjective) accepting what happens or what people do without trying to change anything or oppose them Example: He is always passive in relationship.
quiz show /ˈkwɪz ʃəʊ/ (noun) a radio or TV show in which people answer a series of questions and compete to win prizes Example: I like watching quiz shows on TV such as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
visually /ˈvɪʒuəli/ (adverb) in a way that is connected with seeing or sight Example: Children can learn visually very well.
wildlife /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ (noun) animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment Example: It's a famous documentary on Peruvian wildlife.