

iron /ˈaɪərn/
(noun) a chemical element. Iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel and is also found in small quantities in blood and food.
Example: patients with iron deficiency(= not enough iron in their blood)

steel /stiːl/
(noun) a strong, hard metal that is made of a mixture of iron and carbon
Example: the iron and steel industry

cotton /ˈkɑːtn/
(noun) a plant grown in warm countries for the soft white hairs around its seeds that are used to make cloth and thread
Example: My shirt is made from cotton.

material /məˈtɪriəl/
(noun) a substance that things can be made from
Example: Clothing has been made from many different kinds of materials.

wood /wʊd/
(noun) the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree are made of; this material when it is used to build or make things with, or as a fuel
Example: He chopped some wood for the fire.

tin /tɪn/
(noun) a metal container in which food is sold; the contents of one of these containers
Example: a tin mine

wool /wʊl/
(noun) the soft hair that covers the body of sheep and some other animals
Example: I'm wearing a wool jacket.

leather /ˈleðər/
(noun) material made by removing the hair or fur from animal skins and preserving the skins using special processes
Example: I like this leather jacket.

silk /sɪlk/
(noun) fine soft thread produced by silkworms
Example: For special occasions they wear silk shirts.

glass /ɡlæs/
(noun) a hard, usually clear, substance used, for example, for making windows and bottles
Example: I cut myself on a piece of broken glass.

plastic /ˈplæstɪk/
(noun) a light strong material that is produced by chemical processes and can be formed into shapes when heated. There are many different types of plastic , used to make different objects and fabrics .
Example: These bottles are made from plastic.

cardboard /ˈkɑːrdbɔːrd/
(noun) stiff material like very thick paper, often used for making boxes
Example: a model made out of cardboard

metal /ˈmetl/
(noun) a type of solid mineral substance that is usually hard and shiny and that heat and electricity can travel through, for example tin, iron and gold
Example: The frame is made of metal.

rubber /ˈrʌbər/
(noun) a strong substance that can be stretched and does not allow liquids to pass through it, used for making tyres, boots, etc. It is made from the liquid (= sap ) inside a tropical plant or is produced using chemicals.
Example: a rubber tree

gold /ɡəʊld/
(noun) a chemical element. Gold is a yellow precious metal used for making coins, jewellery, beautiful objects, etc.
Example: The company name was spelled out in gold letters.

brick /brɪk/
(noun) baked clay used for building walls, houses and other buildings; an individual block of this
Example: The chimney was made of bricks.

charcoal /ˈtʃɑːrkəʊl/
(noun) a black substance made by burning wood slowly in an oven with little air. Charcoal is used as a fuel or for drawing.
Example: When burnt, charcoal gives off carbon monoxide.

coal /kəʊl/
(noun) a hard black mineral that is found below the ground and burnt to produce heat
Example: Coal can be used for cooking.

ash /æʃ/
(noun) the grey or black powder that is left after something, especially tobacco , wood or coal, has burnt
Example: Everything was burned to ashes.

clay /kleɪ/
(noun) a type of heavy, sticky earth that becomes hard when it is baked and is used to make things such as pots and bricks
Example: The soil is mainly clay.

fibreglass /ˈfaɪbərɡlæs/
(noun) a strong light material made from glass fibres and plastic, used for making boats, etc.
Example: It can also be used on fiberglass for polishing stainless steel.

petrol /ˈpetrəl/
(noun) a liquid obtained from petroleum , used as fuel in car engines, etc.
Example: Petrol is highly combustible.

linen /ˈlɪnɪn/
(noun) a type of cloth made from flax , used to make high-quality clothes, sheets, etc.
Example: Most retailers carry lines of bed linens in this style.

lace /leɪs/
(noun) a very thin material made from threads of cotton, silk, etc. that are made into a pattern with holes
Example: This outfit may be completed by a hat of lace.

cement /sɪˈment/
(noun) a grey powder made by burning clay and lime that sets hard when it is mixed with water. Cement is used in building to stick stones and bricks together and to make very hard surfaces.
Example: We had to learn how to work with cement.

slate /sleɪt/
(noun) a type of dark grey stone that splits easily into thin flat layers

gravel /ˈɡrævl/
(noun) small stones, often used to make the surface of paths and roads

stone /stəʊn/
(noun) a hard solid mineral substance that is found in the ground, often used for building

silver /ˈsɪlvər/
(noun) a chemical element. Silver is a shiny, grey-white precious metal used for making coins, jewellery, beautiful objects, etc.

zinc /zɪŋk/
(noun) a chemical element. Zinc is a blue-white metal that is mixed with copper to produce brass and is often used to cover other metals to prevent them from rusting .

aluminium /ˌæljəˈmɪniəm/
(noun) a chemical element. Aluminium is a light, silver-grey metal used for making pans, etc.