Ordering Lunch


burden /ˈbɜːrdn/
(noun) a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work
Example: The secretary usually takes on the burden of ordering lunch for business meetings

commonly /ˈkɑːmənli/
(adverb) usually; very often; by most people
Example: The restaurants in this area commonly serve office workers and are only open during the week

delivery /dɪˈlɪvəri/
(noun) the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to the people they have been sent to
Example: The caterer hired a courier to make the delivery

elegance /ˈelɪɡəns/
(noun) the quality of being attractive and showing a good sense of style
Example: The elegance of the restaurant made it a pleasant place to eat

fall to
fall to /fɔːl tə/
(phrasal verb) to become the duty or responsibility of somebody
Example: The task of preparing the meal fell to the assistant chef when the chief chef was ill

impress /ɪmˈpres/
(verb) if a person or thing impresses you, you admire them or it
Example: I was impressed with how quickly they delivered our lunch

individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/
(noun) a person considered separately rather than as part of a group
Example: We had the delivery man mark the contents of each individual order

list /lɪst/
(noun) a series of names, items, figures, etc., especially when they are written or printed
Example: We keep a list of all the restaurants in this area that deliver

multiple /ˈmʌltɪpl/
(adjective) many in number; involving many different people or things
Example: The delivery person was not able to keep track of the multiple order, causing of food mix-up

narrow /ˈnærəʊ/
(adjective) measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length
Example: This restaurant delivers only pizza and sandwiches, so that certainly narrows down the choices

pick up
pick up /pɪk ʌp/
(phrasal verb) to get better, stronger, etc.; to improve
Example: I'll pick you up at fiveo'clock.

settle /ˈsetl/
(verb) to put an end to an argument or a disagreement
Example: We settle the bill with the cashier