rest /rest/ (noun) the part of something that remains Example: Try to get some rest. You have a busy day tomorrow.
stretch /stretʃ/ (verb) to make something longer, wider or looser, for example by pulling it; to become longer, etc. in this way Example: She stretched out her arm and back.
Check sth /ʧɛk/ (verb) Example: The woman is checking some information
Examine sth /ɪgˈzæmɪn/ (verb) Example: He is examining an X-ray image.
Gaze at sth /geɪz æt/ (verb) Example: A man is gazing at the computer screen.
Glance at sth /glɑːns æt/ (verb) Example: Both of them are glancing at the screen
Inspect sth /ɪnˈspɛkt/ (verb) Example: She is inspecting some documents on the table.
Stare at sth /steər æt/ (verb) Example: The woman is staring at the window.
Watch sth /wɒʧ/ (verb) Example: They are watching movies in the living room.
Look at sth /lʊk æt/ (verb) Example: The man is looking at the door.
Review sth /rɪˈvjuː/ (verb) Example: He is reviewing some papers.
View sth /vjuː/ (verb) Example: They are viewing some slides.
Speak to sb /spiːk tʊ/ (verb) Example: The policeman is speaking to a kid.
Have a conversation with sb /həv ə ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən wɪð/ (verb) Example: They are having a conversation with their teacher.
Give a lecture to sb /gɪv ə ˈlɛkʧə tʊ/ (verb) Example: The professor is giving a lecture to the class.
Make a call /meɪk ə kɔːl/ (verb) Example: The business woman is making a call at her office.
Address oneself to /əˈdres wʌnˈself tə/ (verb) Example: The teacher is addressing herself to the pupil at the front table.
Deliver a speech /dɪˈlɪvər ə spiːtʃ/ (verb) Example: The speaker is delivering a speech in the meeting room.
Give a speech /ɡɪv ə spiːtʃ/ (verb) Example: A woman is giving a speech to the audience.
Laugh at sth /lɑːf æt/ (verb) Example: People are laughing at the comedies.
Smile at sb / sth /smaɪl æt/ (verb) Example: The child is smiling at his puppies.
Carry sth /ˈkæri/ (verb) Example: He is carrying a box full of items
Move sth /muːv/ (verb) Example: They are moving a heavy object.
Hold sth /həʊld/ (verb) Example: A woman is holding a pen in her right hand.
Use sth /juːz/ (verb) Example: He is using a public phone on the street.
Operating sth /ˈɒpəreɪtɪŋ/ (verb) Example: She is operating the machine.
Shake hands /ʃeɪk hændz/ (verb) Example: The businessmen are shaking hands with each other.
Point at sth /pɔɪnt æt/ (verb) Example: The speaker is pointing at the screen.
Applaud /əˈplɔːd/ (verb) to show your approval of somebody/something by clapping your hands (= hitting your open hands together several times) Example: The audience are applauding at a concert.
Clap for /klæp fər/ (verb) Example: They are clapping for the performance
Touch sth /tʌʧ/ (verb) Example: She is touching her cheek.
Reach for sth /riːʧ fɔː/ (verb) Example: The doctor is reaching for the monitor.
Pick up sth /pɪk ʌp/ (verb) Example: They are picking up some apples from the shelf.
Stand on /stænd ɑːn/ (verb) Example: The conductor is standing on the platform.
Stand across /stænd əˈkrɔːs/ (verb) Example: The women are standing across from the men.
Stand in front of /stænd ɪn frʌnt əv/ (verb) Example: The cashier is standing in front of the counter.
Sit around /sɪt əˈraʊnd/ (phrasal verb) to spend time doing nothing very useful Example: They are all sitting around a conference table.
Sit across /sɪt əˈkrɔːs/ (verb) Example: One woman is sitting across from the rest.
Sit in rows /sɪt ɪn rəʊz/ (verb) Example: The people are seated in rows
Sit on /sɪt ɑːn/ (phrasal verb) to have received a letter, report, etc. from somebody and then not replied or taken any action relating to it Example: There are passengers sitting on the bus.
Lean on /liːn ɑːn/ (phrasal verb) to depend on somebody/something for help and support Example: One woman is leaning on the other.
Lean against /liːn əˈɡenst/ (verb) Example: The women are leaning against the lamp post.
Walk through /wɔːk θruː/ (phrasal verb) to help somebody learn or become familiar with something, by showing them each stage of the process in turn Example: They are walking through the forest
Walk hand in hand /wɔːk hænd ɪn hænd/ (verb) Example: The girls are walking hand in hand
Walk across /wɔːk əˈkrɔːs/ (verb) Example: Some people are walking across the street.
Stroll along /strəʊl əˈlɔːŋ/ (verb) Example: People are strolling along the waterfront.
Wear sth /weə/ (verb) Example: They are wearing protective helmets.
Have sth on /hæv ɒnɑːn/ (verb) Example: The couple have sunglasses on.
Be dressed formally /biː drɛst ˈfɔːməli/ (verb) Example: They are dressed formally.
Be dressed casually /bi drest ˈkæʒuəli/ (verb) Example: The students are dressed casually at the school festival.
Put on sth /pʊt ɒn/ (verb) Example: A man is putting on his name tag
Try on sth /traɪ ɒn/ (verb) Example: A woman is trying on some shoes
Remove sth /rɪˈmuːv/ (verb) Example: He is removing his glasses.
Take off sth/ take sth off /teɪk ɒfɔːf/ (verb) Example: He is taking off his striped sweater