Quality Control


brand /brænd/
(noun) a type of product, service, etc. made or offered by a particular company under a particular name
Example: All brands of aspirin are the same

conform /kənˈfɔːrm/
(verb) to behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society
Example: Our safety standards conform to those established by the government

defect /ˈdiːfekt/
(noun) a fault in something or in the way it has been made that means that it is not perfect
Example: Because of a defect in stiching, the entire suit was throw out

enhance /ɪnˈhæns/
(verb) to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of somebody/something
Example: Every garment must be carefully inspected for defects before it is shipped

garment /ˈɡɑːrmənt/
(noun) a piece of clothing
Example: Portland Garment Factory was established in 2008.

inspect /ɪnˈspekt/
(verb) to look closely at something/somebody, especially to check that everything is as it should be
Example: Chilren's car searts are thoroughly inspected and tested for safety before being put on the market

perceptive /pərˈseptɪv/
(adjective) having or showing the ability to see or understand things quickly, especially things that are not obvious
Example: It takes a perceptive person to be a good manager

repel /rɪˈpel/
(verb) to successfully fight somebody who is attacking you, your country, etc. and drive them away
Example: Faulty products repel repeat customers

take back
take back /teɪk bæk/
(phrasal verb) to allow somebody, such as your husband, wife or partner, to come home after they have left because of a problem
Example: The quality inspector took the shoddy work back to the assembly line to confront the workers

throw out
throw out /θrəʊ aʊt/
(phrasal verb) to force somebody to leave a place
Example: You'll be thrown out if you don't pay the rent.

uniformly /ˈjuːnɪfɔːrmli/
(adverb) in a way that does not vary and is the same in all parts and at all times
Example: The principles were applied uniformly across all the departments

wrinkle /ˈrɪŋkl/
(noun) a line or small fold in your skin, especially on your face, that forms as you get older
Example: A wrinkle in the finish can be repaired more economically before a sale than after