apprehensive /ˌæprɪˈhensɪv/ (adjective) worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen Example: The mortgage lender was apprehensive about the company's ability to pay
circumstance /ˈsɜːrkəmstæns/ (noun) the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action Example: Under the current economic circumstances, they will not be able to purchase the property
condition /kənˈdɪʃn/ (noun) the state that something is in Example: Except for some minor repairs, the building is in very good condition
due to /duː tə/ (noun) because of Example: Due to the low interest rates, good office space is difficult to find
fluctuate /ˈflʌktʃueɪt/ (verb) to change frequently in size, amount, quality, etc., especially from one extreme to another Example: No one is very comfortable making a large investment while the currency values fluctuate almost daily
get out of /ɡet aʊt əv/ (phrasal verb) to avoid a responsibility or duty Example: The company wanted to get out of the area before property values declined even further
indicator /ˈɪndɪkeɪtər/ (noun) a sign that shows you what something is like or how a situation is changing Example: If the economy is an accurate indicator, rental prices will increase rapidly in the next six months
lease /liːs/ (noun) a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent Example: They decided to lease the property rather than buy it
lock into /lɑːk ˈɪntə/ (verb) to commit, to be unable to change Example: Before you lock yourself into something, check all your options
occupy /ˈɑːkjupaɪ/ (verb) to fill or use a space, an area or an amount of time Example: Our company has occupied this office for more than five years
option /ˈɑːpʃn/ (noun) something that you can choose to have or do; the freedom to choose what you do Example: With the real estate market so tight right now, you don't have that many options
subject to /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt tə/ (phrasal verb) to make somebody/something experience, suffer or be affected by something, usually something unpleasant Example: This contract is subject to all the laws and regulations of the state